Philips DVD8801 HH 16x DVD /-RW Firmware UpdateThis package provides the Windows based Firmware Update forPhilips DVD8801 HH 16x DVD /-RW and is supported on the XPSDesktops, Dimension, Optiplex and Precision models running thefollowing Windows Operating Systems: Windows 2000 and VISTA.- This is a Windows Based Firmware Flash Utility.Administrative rights may be required on your system for thisutility to work.Fixes- Not ApplicableEnhancements- Enhanced Microsoft VistaCompatibilityThis file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory. Dell Client Configuration Toolkit Application1.This release supersedes CCTK 2.0. 2.It is recommended thatusers upgrade.Fixes-Not Applicable.Enhancements-Added support for additionalarguments in the BIOS option 'keyboard illumination'.Addedsupport for new BIOS options 'Optimus', 'Control WWAN Radio' and'Control WLAN Radio'.Dell Update Packages in Microsoft Windows 32-bit format can bedeployed on Microsoft 64-bit operating systems by implementingthe WOW64 emulation applications. WOW64 is a standard feature onmost Microsoft operating systems. For moreinformation, click here. Western Digital WD800ADFS-75SLR2 - 80GB Lead Free SATA2 10KHDDThis utility disables the HIPM/DIPM (Host & Device initiatedpower management) functionality of the Western DigitalWD1600ADFS-75SLR2 (160GB) &Western Digital WD800ADFS-75SLR2(80GB) hard drives.PLEASE DO NOT RESET OR TURN OFF SYSTEM DURING UPDATEHard Drive performance can degrade when using HIPM/DIPM (DeviceInitiated Power Management)and enabled driver in Windows Vistaoperating systems.
This utility disables the HIPM/DIPMfunctionality of the hard drive. Power management will be managedby the operating system.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, thendouble-click it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation.
PBDS DH-16W1S HH SATA 16X DVD /-RWWindows/DOS firmware flash update for PBDS DH-16W1S HH SATA 16XDVD /-RW1) Please close other applications before updating.2) While thefirmware is updating, please don't turn off the computer.3)Please reboot the computer after the firmware update iscompleted.- Improve the burn compatibility using Windows Vista SP1 nativeapplication.This file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory. HLDS GWA-4164B HH 16X DVD /-RWWindows Based Firmware Flash Utility update for GWA-4164B HH 16XDVD /-RW Drive.This is a Windows Based Firmware Flash Utility.Administrativerights may be required on your system for this utility toworkThis firmware resolves a boot issue with the HLDS GWA-4164B HH16X DVD /-RW Drive and Dell Resource CD.This file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory. Dell PERC 5/i AdapterIn Windows, deletion of a virtual disk, followed by creation of avirtual disk without initialization may result in a blue screenwhen attempting to format.Workaround - Fast initialization of thedrive (the default option when creating a disk) before formattingwill prevent this issue. As mentioned in the PERC5/PERC6 UsersGuide, please initialize all disks before usage, unlessattempting data recovery.Driver package version had to be rebuild (A02) tobetter accommodate all Microsoft requirement, there is nofunctionality changes from A01 to A02.There is no need to updatesystems running A01 ( drivers.Changes from nativedriver to A01:1.- Added support for PERC 6 controllers2.- Driverwill rescan the BUS when a LD/PD is deleted, created, markedoffline and/or when the controller is set to Dead to avoid IOsrunning to fill the system event log. PnP rescan will force thePnP Manager to send INQ to all the BUS/Target/Lun.3.- Standbyresume changes to not log false FW errors.4.- Driver will scanall FW events since last shutdown when resuming from hibernationto report logical drives degraded while the system was onhibernation mode.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files.
Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Western Digital WD1600AAJS-75M0A0This package provides firmware update for Western DigitalWD1600AAJS/ WD800AAJS-75M0A0 and is supported on OptiPlex,Inspiron Desktop, Precision and Vostro Desktop models running thefollowing windows operating systems: Windows 7, XP, Vista.PLEASE MAKE SURE A/C POWER IS BEING USED WHILE UPDATING YOUR HARDDRIVE. PLEASE DO NOT INTERRUPT THE FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS.Western Digital firmware update that enhances the user datalifeguard and reserved area robustness.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation.
Dell Client Management Pack Application1.Dell Management Pack version 4.1 is supported on System CenterOperations Manager 2007 R2/SP1 and System Center Essentials 2007SP1/2010 only. 2.It does not function with prior releases of theMOM product.
3.Upgrades from Dell MP v4.0 to Dell MP v4.1 issupported. 4.Upgrades from previous Dell MP v3.x to Dell MP v4.1is not supported.Fixes-Not ApplicableEnhancements- Enhanced Support for upto OMCI8.0.1 and latest Dell Business Client platforms.This file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive.
The installationcan then be done from that directory. Creative Labs Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamerLatest Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi web post driver ( 31 March2008)Modified items:1.MIC plug auto detection is added. If no MIC isdetected, The MIC input will be disabled.InstallationInstruction:1.Download and save the file on your localdriver.2.Double click the.exe file3.Follow the on-screeninstructionThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. TEAC CA200 HH 13-1 Card Reader1) This is a Windows Based Driver.2) Card Reader must not beconnected through a USB Hub.3) Installation Behavior: After theNext Button is clicked, the InstallShield Wizard window will beminimized while the Driver is installed and maximized to show aFinish Button when it completes.Corrected release errorThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell SAS 5/iR AdapterFlashing the controller back to FW will render thecontroller inoperable.Mixing SAS and SATA drives on the samevolume is not supported.Fixes/Enhancements1.
Fixed an issue thatcauses errors during cable disconnect scenarios when connected toa Dell MD3000 enclosure2. Addressed an issue where interruptwarnings were seen during Operating system installations3. Fixedan issue with rebuild progress reporting in an OS environment4.Improved Tape performance on SAS 5/E with External SAS TapeUnits5. Disabled option in BIOS to change the 'report devicemissing delay' which could potentially cause timing relatedissues and performance related issues with attached devices whentoggled6. Modified release script for SAS 5 cards so that it iscompatible with other 6th Generation SAS controllers7. Modifiedthe SAS5 Option ROM to improve CHS (Cylinder/Head/Sector) to LBA(Logical Block Address) translation, to add support for newerdisk partition utilitiesThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, thendouble-click it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation.
Samsung HD321KJ 320GB Lead Free SATA2 HDDThis firmware update corrects a feature that inadvertently causes'RAID degraded' messages on supported platforms.This firmwarewill update the Samsung 320GB HD321KJ DP/N (CW026) to firmwareCP100-13.This firmware will update the Samsung 500GB HD501LJ DP/N(DN133) to firmware CR100-13.(PLEASE MAKE SURE HARD DRIVE IS NOT INTERRUPTED DURING FIRMWAREUPDATE)Initial ReleaseThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, thendouble-click it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation.
Dell PERC 5/i Adapter1. When viewing SATA physical disk properties from Ctrl-R orother management applications, the Vendor Identification will betranslated as 'ATA'.2. If all physical disks making up a virtualdisk are removed from the system orenclosure, the RAID controllerwill delete the virtual disk.
If the disks arelater re-inserted,they will be marked foreign and can be imported using amanagementapplication. If the cable connecting a PERC 5/E to anenclosure is removed, the RAIDcontroller will immediately deleteall virtual disks on that enclosure. Torecover, power down theserver and ensure all cables in the configuration aresecurelyconnected. When the server is powered on, the RAID controllerwilldetect the disks as foreign and the configuration can beimported with amanagement application.
Physical disksdetermined to contain a foreign configuration are notavailablefor configuration as a new dedicated or global hotspare, or asamember of a new virtual disk. The foreign configuration must beimported orcleared from the physical disk before it may be usedas a hotspare or memberof a virtual disk. Physical disks with aforeign configuration will not appearon the Create New VD screenin Ctrl-R.5. Prior to performing a virtual disk migration, thesource system must bepowered off before removal of the physicaldisks to preserve the correctvirtual disk state. This is notrequired for the target system and thephysical disks may beinserted while the system is powered on or off.
This versionof firmware will not ensure complete compatibility with anolderversion of the management application, OpenManage 5.0 or5.1.OpenManage 5.2 or greater is recommended. It isrecommended that the customer upgrade the managementapplicationand device driver to the latest version available fromDell at the time ofinstallation of this firmware.8. The firmwarerestricts the importing of virtual disks that are undergoingRAIDlevel migration or Capacity Expansion. Do not interrupt virtualdisksthat are performing either of these operations because itwill disable theability to import the virtual disk and the datawill be unavailable.
Dellrecommends that the user perform a databackup before starting these operations.9. Foreign dedicated hotspares are now imported as global hot spares.10. Default Physicaldisk cache settings for hard drives are ON for SATA drivesand OFFfor SAS drives.11. A EMM change or a drive migration is not asupported action during a Capacity Expansion or Raid LevelMigration. This may cause the VDs to go offline. Dell recommendsthe user to take a data backup before starting these operations.12.
A Rebuild operation cannot be stopped/interrupted from theCtrl R configuration utility but can be done from the Dell OpenManage Storage Management Software.Package Version - 5.2.2-0072 Firmware Version - 1. BIOSVersion - MT28-9 Ctrl-R Version - 1.04-019A MPT Version - see release notes for detailed list offixes/enhancements.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, thendouble-click it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Client Configuration UtilityFixes:- Not applicableEnhancements:- 1. Added support for newBios configuration options. Added support for Legacy BootMode on systems with an UEFI-enabled BIOS. Known limitations-3.BIOS Update for Dell OptiPlex 740 systems with BIOS password setcannot be performed using this utility.-4.
BIOS Update for DellOptiPlex 160/FX160 systems cannot be performed using the.exeBIOS package. Use the HDR file with this utility to perform theupdate.-5. Boot order setting cannot be changed on OptiPlex 160when BIOS system password is set.This file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory. Sony DDU1615 HH 16X DVD ROM Firmware UpdateThis package provides the Windows based Firmware Update for SonyDDU1615 HH 16X DVD ROM and is supported on Optiplex, Precision,Dimension and XPS Desktop models that are running the followingWindows Operating Systems: Windows 2000, XP and VISTA.- This is a Windows Based Firmware Flash Utility.Administrative rights may be required on your system for thisutility to work. DO NOT TURN POWER OFF during firmware flashoperation - DO NOT REMOVE DRIVE during firmware flash operation -DO NOT INTERRUPT the firmware flash routine while inprogress.Fixes:- Fixed noise emitted by drive.Enhancements:- NotApplicableThis file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive.
The installationcan then be done from that directory. Fujitsu AL10LXThis release contains firmware version D306 for Fujitsu 15K SASAL10LX 3.5' 73GB, 146GB and 300GB Hard Drives. Dell Part numbersXK111, MM501 and RW548, drive models MBA3073RC, MBA3147RC andMBA3300RC.New firmware for the Fujitsu 15K SAS AL10LX 3.5' 73GB, 146GB and300GB Hard Drives will help improve stability and overallreliability of these drives.
During the next scheduledmaintenance window, please update the drive firmware to thelatest level, version D306.Dell Update Packages in Microsoft Windows 32-bit format can bedeployed on Microsoft 64-bit operating systems by implementingthe WOW64 emulation applications. WOW64 is a standard feature onmost Microsoft operating systems. For moreinformation, click here. Hitachi HDNew firmware is available for the Hitachi 15K SAS 3.5' 450GBHard Drives to D590, Dell part number: XX517 Drive modelHUS154545VLS300 that will help improve stability and overallreliability of these drives. During the next scheduledmaintenance window, please update the drive firmware to thelatest level, version D590. Adds a Dell unique f/w identifierDell Update Packages in Microsoft Windows 32-bit format can bedeployed on Microsoft 64-bit operating systems by implementingthe WOW64 emulation applications. WOW64 is a standard feature onmost Microsoft operating systems.
For moreinformation, click here. Seagate Seagate 3.5'Fixes / Enhancements:Resolved issue that cause poor readperformance under high temperaturesResolve a rare condition thatcould cause an incorrect check condition when ECC error isreportedImproved drive error handlingOptimized drive seekalgorithmsDell Update Packages in Microsoft Windows 32-bit format can bedeployed on Microsoft 64-bit operating systems by implementingthe WOW64 emulation applications. WOW64 is a standard feature onmost Microsoft operating systems. For moreinformation, click here. PLDS DH-4B1S SATA HH 4X BD-REWindows/DOS firmware flash update for PLDS DH-4B1S SATA HH 4XBD-RE1) Please close other applications before updating.2) While thefirmware is updating, please don't turn off the computer.3)Please reboot the computer after the firmware update iscompleted.- Improve read compatibility with CPRM media.- Improveplayability of Blu-ray movie.This file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory. Physical Disk Firmware Version ReportThe Physical Disk Firmware Version ReportWhat is The PhysicalDisk Firmware Version Report?It is a report that will compare thecurrent running firmware against a list of current firmware forshipping and legacy Dell drive models.Note: The comparison isonly as up-to-date as the compare file.
If the version of OMSA isaging a new version of the compare file hddfwver.csv can bedownloaded at Dell.comHow can I run the report?The report can berun on a per controller basis or globally for the entire system.For a global report select Storage Information/Configuration Global Tasks Physical Disk Firmware Version Report ExecuteFor a per controller report click the Controller Information/Configuration Available Reports PhysicalDisk Firmware Version Report ExecuteCan I update thecomparison file without updating OpenManage? Yes.Used in OMSA to poll drives for latest HDD / SSD firmware updateavailability.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Nautilus Firmware Update Utility for SAS and SATA disk andsolid state drivesThis update will not run if any of the following conditions exist1.
Any Virtual Disk that is not optimal.2. A RAID container thatis performing a Background Initialization or Consistency Check.3.A Rebuild, Resync, or copyback function is taking place.4. A RAIDset that is Partially Degraded or in a Degraded state.See attached release notes for more details.Updated FirmwareReleases Since Last Release:Seagate 7.2k SAS 3.5', version RS14,for drive model number ST33000650SS (3TB) and ST32000645SS(2TB).This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files.
Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Nautilus Firmware Update Utility for SAS and SATA disk andsolid state drivesThis update will not run if any of the following conditions exist1. Any Virtual Disk that is not optimal.2.
A RAID container thatis performing a Background Initialization or Consistency Check.3.A Rebuild, Resync, or copyback function is taking place.4. A RAIDset that is Partially Degraded or in a Degraded state.See attached release notes for more details.Updated FirmwareReleases Since Last Release:Seagate 7.2k SAS 3.5', version RS14,for drive model number ST33000650SS (3TB) and ST32000645SS(2TB).This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Nautilus Firmware Update Utility for SAS and SATA disk andsolid state drivesThis update will not run if any of the following conditions exist1. Any Virtual Disk that is not optimal.2. A RAID container thatis performing a Background Initialization or Consistency Check.3.A Rebuild, Resync, or copyback function is taking place.4.
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A RAIDset that is Partially Degraded or in a Degraded state.D1S6 for Western Digital SAS (10K rpm 2.5 SAS) 300GB, 600GB and900GB Hard Drives. Vendor model numbers WD3001BKHG,WD6001BKHG and WD9001BKHGLS08 for Seagate SAS (10K rpm 2.5 SAS)300GB, 600GB and 900GB Hard Drives.
Vendor model numbersST300MM0006, ST600MM0006 and ST900MM0006D1R4 for Western DigitalSAS (7.2K rpm 3.5 SAS) drive models WD1001FYYG, WD2001FYYG,WD3001FYYG and WD4001FYYGGS0A for Seagate SAS (7.2K rpm 3.5 SAS)1TB, 2TB, 3TB, and 4TB Hard Drives. Vendor model numbersST4000NM0023, ST3000NM0023, ST2000NM0023, and ST1000NM0023AS08for Seagate SAS (7.2K rpm 2.5 SAS) 500GB and 1TB Hard Drives.Dell. Vendor model numbers ST91000640SS and ST9500620SASFB forSeagate SAS (7.2K rpm 2.5 SAS) 1TB Hard Drive.
Vendor modelnumber ST91000642SSThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. TSST TS-H352C HH 16X DVDROM Firmware UpdateThis package provides the Windows based Firmware Update for TSSTTS-H352C HH 16X DVDROM and is supported on Dimension, Optiplex,Precision and XPS Desktop models that are running the followingWindows Operating Systems: Windows 2000, XP and VISTA.- This is a Windows Based Firmware Flash Utility.Administrative rights may be required on your system for thisutility to work. DO NOT TURN POWER OFF during firmware flashoperation - DO NOT REMOVE DRIVE during firmware flash operation -DO NOT INTERRUPT the firmware flash routine while in progress.Fixes:- Fixed read performance issue (e.g., copying files to HDDin DOS mode).Enhancements:- Not ApplicableThis file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory. Dell Management Pack Application1)Dell Management Pack version 3.1.1 is supported on SystemCenter Operations Manager 2007 SP1 and System Center Essentials2007 SP1 only.2)It does not function with prior releases of theMOM product.Fixes - Fixed Dell Server and Printer Management Pack( code was modified with fixes fordiscovery of Storage Controllers with Server Administratorversion 5.5, and a known defect with health of Virtual Disks,where in some scenarios health of Virtual Disks were not showncorrectly. The executable 'DellBMCLog.exe' was modified toinclude improved error handling.
Storage Array ManagementPack( and the executable'dellabb.exe' was modified to add support for MD Storage Arrays(MD3000/MD3000i), both generation 1 with firmware version06.xx.xx.xx as well as generation 2 with firmware version07.xx.xx.xx.Enhancements- Not ApplicableThis file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory. Drivers para PCs de sobremesa y todo en uno DELL PRECISION WORKSTATION 490 (Linux Red Hat) Drivers para PCs de sobremesa y todo en uno DELL PRECISION WORKSTATION 450 (Windows XP) Drivers para PCs de sobremesa y todo en uno DELL PRECISION WORKSTATION 650 (Windows XP) Drivers para PCs de sobremesa y todo en uno DELL PRECISION WORKSTATION 350 (Windows XP) Drivers para PCs de sobremesa y todo en uno DELL PRECISION WORKSTATION R7610 (Windows 8) Drivers para PCs de sobremesa y todo en uno DELL PRECISION WORKSTATION T5610 (Windows 10).
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You might want to take a look at some websites dedicated to gaming equipment. I would suggest you start with a search for MaximumPC or Maximum PC and see with those sections have to say. They lean more to homebuilt of hobbyist built computers. And there are not a lot of commercial computers targeted at the gaming market. But more so every month.Also take a look at the hardware on such middle of the road sites as, Directron.Com, and then examine other online sites.
As well as the ads in the back of magazines on gaming at your friendly neighborhood or SafeWay magazine rack.Or find some gamers in the community where you live.Once you get started, there is more information than most folks can absorb. Depending on which flight simulator you choose, almost any machine will run it. M$ 'Flight Simulator 2004' has very low hardware requirements. It will run successfully on integrated graphics.
The new M$ issue, 'Flight Simulator X' doesn't seem to want to run on even very powerful PCs. (Everybody seems to complain about low frame rates.
I don't think the game requires high frame rates as would a FPS, but what do i know). Amazon still has FS 2004;As far as, (Dell 490), 'it'll hold 32 GBs of RAM', so what? That's overkill, bordering on ostentatious, for any non-enterprise use I can think of off hand. Besides, I think that running that machine under a 32 bit OS, while attempting to access more that 4GBs of RAM, would require the implementation of PAE, which is pretty slow.
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I believe that PAE was used in servers at one time, to access more than 4GBs of RAM with a 32 bit OS. Don't know if a work station has it though.I don't know how many RAM sockets that board has, but if it's only 4, this (or something similar) would be the path to 32GBs: Ah, ECC RAM, 8GB DIMMs, still a mere $250.00 bucks a pop. Meh, that's actually cheaper than I thought.